We're Back


So, here’s what’s up.

Yesterday, we were motivated to take action.

#BlackOutTuesday was supposed to be a day about elevating Black voices. It was about taking a break from your normal content and instead replacing it with links, resources, and information.

It was not about taking a break from social media. It was never about posting a black square and checking out.

Amidst all the black squares and silence, we realized that educated, melanated voices are needed now more than ever. SDEL is needed more than ever. So, we’re coming out of hiatus and we’re hitting the ground running.

First thing: We’ve donated $500 total to various GoFundMes, bailfunds, and mutual aid organizations. This includes the Justice for Breonna Taylor GoFundMe, the For James Scurlock’s Family GoFundMe, the Minnesota Healing Justice Network, The Atlanta Solidarity Fund,  and the Metro Atlanta Mutual Aid Fund.

Second: We are now offering payment for submissions. Not only do we want Black voices heard, we want them compensated for their labor. We are an extremely small organization, so we cannot offer as much as we’d like, but we’re doing our best with what we have. If you are interested in submitting work, more details will be coming in a separate announcement.

Third: We will be holding a digital short film competition. Before our hiatus, we had a dream of hosting a Black film festival. Due to the presence of COVID, we’ve had to amend this idea to fit our current climate. While it may not be possible to gather, we still want to celebrate Black creativity. There will be cash prizes, so keep your eyes peeled for more information on that in the coming weeks.

Lastly: If you’re interested in keeping SDEL going, you can donate to us here. Like many Black-owned businesses, we look larger from the outside than we really are. Every dollar is appreciated.

We back, y’all. Time to kick some ass.